by user | Apr 27, 2018 | Destinations, Polish culture
Zakopane in Polish means buried. This town is literally buried in snow during the winter. It’s a great place to visit all year round though. Here you talk freely, dance longer and laugh louder. Visitors extract from here energy – the combination of mountains, folk...
by user | Apr 20, 2018 | Destinations
Although Eastern Europe once seemed remote, secretive and a little bit edgy, it now finds itself planted firmly on the tourist map, with visitors flocking to some of the region’s most popular cities. One of these is Cracow – the charming city with all the old...
by user | Apr 13, 2018 | Polish culture
Lajkonik – the symbol of Cracow Lajkonik, nasz Lajkonik, po Krakowie zawsze goni, Lajkoniku laj, laj, poprzez cały kraj, kraj, Lajkoniku laj, laj, poprzez cały kraj. in english: This Lajkonik, our Lajkonik, always chasing after Krakow, Lajkonik lay, lay, through...
by user | Apr 6, 2018 | Polish culture
Palm Sunday in Poland Poland is a country full of unique traditions and customs, especially when it comes to holidays. Easter in Poland is celebrated according to the Western Roman Catholic calendar. In the Christian tradition, Palm Sunday is the last Sunday before...
by user | Apr 3, 2018 | Destinations
7 facts about Catholic Easter in Poland Easter is the most important holiday on the Polish calendar, comparable only to Christmas. However, the Easter Feast is filled with loads of events and activities for months; as well as, the days after. Easter is not only...
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